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Bayero University, Kano

2021/2022 PG Application Exercise

Payment Procedure

Applicants are strongly advised to adhere to the following payment procedure guidelines, as any deviation may result in delay or outright invalidation of your application.

Step 1.   Make sure you have successfully created an account and finished all the procedure/step leading to where you generated your BUK Personalised Payment Form (BUKPPF) (click here for the Application Procedure). Take note of the following as they appear exactly on your BUKPPF:

a.       Payer

b.      Phone Number

c.       Email

d.      Description

e.      Amount

Step 2.   With the information of Step 1(a) – 1(e) visit www.remita.net, you will be presented with the following:


Step 3.   Select “Pay A Federal Government Agency

Step 4.   You will be presented with the following form

Step 5.   On the “Name of MDA” start typing Baye and a drop down will be shown, make sure you BAYERO UNIVERSITY, KANO – 1000129 as indicated in the figure below

Step 6.   After selecting Name of MDA as BAYERO UNIVERSITY, KANO – 1000129 a drop down box for the Name of Service/Purpose is shown as indicated in the figure below

Step 7.   Several Services/Purposes are in the drop down as shown below, make sure you select SALES OF FORMS as indicate the following figures

Step 8.   After selecting SALES OF FORMS as the Name of Service/Purpose, next enter the Description. Make sure the Description matches exactly with the description on your BUKPPF (Item 1(d) of Step 1 above):

Step 9.   After entering the description exactly as in your BUKPPF, next enter the Amout to Pay (N). Make sure the Amount to Pay matches exactly with the Amount on your BUKPPF (Item 1(e) of Step 1 above):

Step 10.   After entering the Amount exactly as in your BUKPPF, next enter the Payer’s Full Name. Make sure the Payer’s Full Name matches exactly with the Payer on your BUKPPF (Item 1(a) of Step 1 above):

Step 11.   After entering the Payer’s Full Name exactly as in your BUKPPF, next enter the Payer’s Email and Payer’s Phone. Make sure the Payer’s Email and Payer’s Phone match exactly with Email (Item 1(c) of Step 1 above) and Phone Number (Item 1(b) of Step 1) on your BUKPPF:

Step 12.   Enter the characters of the image before proceeding to payment.

Step 13.   Make sure all the information entered matches exactly with what is in your BUKPPF, any inconsistency may delay or invalidate application. After confirming all entries are correct click on Proceed to Payment Button

Step 14.   Your Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) is generated and the following invoice is displayed.

Step 15.   You can click on “View Payment Details” to see your payments details

Step 16.   You can use any of the payment options as indicated below (make sure to use your RRR correctly):

Step 17.   You can click on “Print Invoice” to print your invoice.

Step 18.   You are advised to print your Remita Invoice and compare the information with that of your BUKPPF and make sure that information on both are the same.

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